Monday, July 5, 2010

Oh, Boy!

I have decided I look much like a boy today. This is what happens when you wake up late and neglect any kind of hair styling or make-up when you are me. If I had a twin brother, this is what he would look like. Mind you, this collared shirt from work and the jacket aren't helping either. In black and white, I could maybe look like one of the Beatles.

Anyway, I am watching the car yard for mum today. This means, lots of sitting and maybe answering a phone...should it ring. Its awesome though, because they have this massaging thing that you sit on your seat and you plug it in and then you are massaged and warmed. So, all is well!

I should probably update the very recent events.
I am IN A RELATIONSHIP. Haha I hate saying IN A RELATIONSHIP. It sounds so bloody serious and grown-up. Eww. But Michael is lovely. :D Brilliant musician. And his hair is amazing.

I have to do a presentation at work tomorrow night on Garage Band. And even though it's not really a big event or anything, I am a little bit shitting myself. Although, I did make this hilarious song on GB and that will be a, lets say, "interesting" ice-breaker. Rather weird and quirky little introduction to the software.

But yeah. Thats pretty much all I can think of at the moment. I should get writing soon. We have a gig in August. While I'm here, may as well spend the time doing that. I have a couple more songs to write for. :D

Ok, I've also taken a couple of Photo Booth pics of me looking manly. Hehehehehe enjoy muchly. Oh and if you read this, Leave a comment and let me know if I look better as a boy or girl. Hahahaha

1 comment:

  1. OOOOH GEORGIE IS IN A RELATIONSHIP! Woo woo. Hanli told me that today because I didn't see the fb thing and i was like, wow, that was quick! Haha. Facebook relationship statuses. What to do, what do to :p
    Hmmm... I think I like you as a man and as a girl.
