Sunday, June 6, 2010

Oh Such Fun!

Wow. What a crazy weekend. Friday at the computer place was disgusting. You know, one of those days where the customer is really pushy or horrible or whatever, the people you work with are all in bad moods and the day passes excruciatingly slowly and you just want to throw your hands up and walk out.

Then there was the exhibition of a few local photographers, I went to that very briefly before going to work at the restaurant. The restaurant was hilarious, very bloody quiet so the chef brought in his little guitar he bought from Aldi and made me teach him - so cute!! Then Rosemary, Grace and Hanli came in for a feed and told me they would dance to the bollywood playing for free food. They didn't get free food, but they did dance for quite some time.

And then after that shift was the cast party for Rent, which was so much fun! The people in that production are so easy to get along with and are hilarious!!!

Then we went out again after work yesterday and I really do hate going out in Orange, the people are rubbish.

But yes, it was quite a big weekend and I'm going to enjoy not drinking again for a bit. :D

I also found a butt-load of old photos from school and that. There are some crackers! Especially the ones from this night...

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