Sunday, May 23, 2010

Oh, Canada.

I didn't realise how much stuff I actually need to organise in order to get myself to Canada. Bloody hell, hopefully I can get it all sorted.

It's also hard doing this visa application, just because there are so many different sites, and I've never applied for one before, so I'm not 100% on which sites are good and which sites are the ones trying to rob the ignorant, like me.

I guess I just have to go with what my mum is saying, I don't think you can go wrong with the Canadian Embassy! Plus there's the updating of the passport which I have no idea how to do. But hey, it's all about research and getting it done much sooner rather than later so everything is processed in time.

The main things i need to focus on right now is updating my passport, applying for the visa, booking a flight and then on top of all that, making sure I have enough money to get me over there. As well as surviving until I manage to get a job.

Time to stop fart-arsing around!

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