Sunday, August 29, 2010

I am REALLY Happy.

I feel I should elaborate to flesh this whole post out, but maybe I don't need to.

I am perfectly happy.

Still not where I want to be, and certainly not doing what I want to do yet, but I'm happy with the fact that I am utterly motivated to get things going, and to stop living in neutral.

Things have been great. And that's all I really need to say right now.

When I start writing again (soon, very soon) and doing more stencils and the like, I will start this blogging business again and make it a hell of a lot more interesting than it has been.

But for now reader/s(?), be content with my content state. :D

He will probably hate this photo, but I love it. Here is Michael. <3

Friday, August 6, 2010

Better! - - ish...

Well, it seems I'll be able to sing without too much trouble tonight, this has probably been the quickest recovery of them all. Mind, I have been completely obsessive with herbal tea drinking and trying to keep warm - although my feet and fingers are still freezing, it's bizarre. And I still have a bit of a ruddy dose but apart from that, things are looking up. :)

I still need to make plans and start setting stuff in concrete for Canada - I think I just have enough money to sort out at least my visa and plane ticket. Then after that, I'll need to keep saving and maybe get a 2nd job again. A second job sans crazy chefs and no business. I have been putting off making plans for some time now, which is bad, it just means I have to stay in this fucking town longer.

And I also want to get some more writing done. I have been listening to a vast mix of bands and songs lately and I want to write stuff that I actually enjoy listening to as well as playing.

I guess spending 3 or more days in the same spot prompts you to be more creative and proactive with the things you want to do and the things you enjoy doing.

This is me today.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Eastern Glow - The Album Leaf

So this is a new band that Michael has introduced me to. They are growing on me rapidly. Very rapidly indeed.
I love the space they create and the simplicity of it all. It's great to sit down to. Very "I'm happy to be left alone to this" music.

On the music note (no pun intended), Greg and I are playing at 4loor this Saturday, which I'm rather excited about, however suddenly alot more nervous, because this sickness I spoke of in my last post had been hiding in the shadows and jumped out and annihilated me this morning. Which means for me, lots of tea, honey, rugs and positive thinking. Not so easy to keep that up when you are struggling to breathe out your nose. One nostril has even started toot-ing. God fucking dammit.

Hopefully it clears up rather quickly and I don't lose my voice.

Rent is also creeping up at an alarming rate and y'all better be there. Y'all of course being whoever reads this? I guess?

Hanli has also kindly given me some cool stencilling paper which I'm yet to put any designs on, I've been meaning to do some more, but it has been way way too cold to go galavanting into the night and leaving footprints everywhere. But hopefully it'll warm up soonish.

And I also can't wait for my next skating lesson. Hahaha thats right, readers... I now skate - - ish. It is awesome fun and I recommend giving it a go. :D

So yes, that is where I'm at, at this stage. :D