Sunday, May 16, 2010

I Cried When...

I heard Ocean by John Butler

I watched Where The Wild Things Are

I heard Okkervil River - The war criminal rises and speaks

I found those messages from over 3 years ago on Myspace

"well hullo there!
i'm sorry. but i reallyyyyyyy think you're Something Else.
may i add you, in the hopes that our friendship will grow and prosper until infinity and beyond and all that shiz?
c'monnnn :) please.
bah i'm a silly turkey.
anyway, Hi!

It has been quite an emotional few weeks for Georgie. I can't control it now, I've been crying at the drop of a hat!!


  1. Georgie! I didnt know you had one! Is that myspace message the first of the rather good friendship you have now with someone? :p

  2. yeah, it is. i have a massive chunk of the correspondence and it is insane how much we have both changed in the space of what, 3 or 4 years. I only started this blog on the weekend, I'm enjoying it immensely!
